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QuietCool Whole House Fan Installation Temecula

Help reduce energy usage during the cooler parts of the day by pulling in cool air from the outside and removing hotter air into your attic space or outside your home. 

Why Install a Whole House Fan?

How QuietCool Works

Anytime it is cooler outside than the inside of a home, the QuietCool whole house fan system will help keep your air fresh so you can breathe easy and sleep well! In the summer, this normally happens in the late afternoon to early evening and through to the next morning.

Instant Comfort

Better Air Quality

Eliminate Odors

Extended AC Life


Best Usage

When the QuietCool whole house fan is turned on, the fan will pull the cooler outdoor air into your home, through your windows, across your living space, into the attic, and out the attic vents replacing the hot stale air. This helps cool the home and attic by up to 30 degrees, and sometimes more, allowing the home and attic to stay much cooler the following day.When using the QuietCool whole house fan, we recommend starting by cooling the area which will be most occupied. For example, in most family situations, the early evening is spent in the kitchen and family room area. Assuming this to be true, this is where you would want to start cooling.


The cool breeze begins when a window or two is opened and the QuietCool fan is turned on. The cooler outside air will immediately begin to create a breeze inside the home making the homeowner feel up to 10 degrees cooler, and sometimes more, instantly.


The Cooling Process

As it gets later in the evening, and even cooler outside, we recommend opening more windows in other rooms of your home. Then at bedtime, close all the windows in the home except those in the bedrooms that are occupied. This will provide each room with a cool breeze as long as needed. If a QuietCool is installed in each bedroom as we recommend, the homeowner can enjoy the breeze, and privacy, with your door closed. This breeze will be carried through your home to each QuietCool whole house fan that is on and in use; thus beginning the cooling process. At the same time, the cooler outdoor air will be brought into the attic and pushed through the attic vents causing the hot stale air in the attic to be exhausted. Exhausting the hot air inside your attic will allow your home to stay cooler throughout the day.


Note: When using the QuietCool system, be sure to not open too many windows or open any windows too wide, as this will lessen the cooling breeze that is felt. There is a “sweet spot” when window opening(s) throughout the home is “just right” to cause a nice active breeze to be felt at each open window.


QuietCool Products


QuietCool Trident Pro

  • Featuring Standard PSC Motors

  • Above Average Efficiency

  • Extremely Quiet – Ranging between 42 and 50dB

  • Offers Airflow between 1500 and 6500 CFM


This new model of quiet whole house fan is an installer-exclusive product, meaning these fans cannot be purchased directly and are only available through a manufacturer’s authorized installer. They are unique in the fact that they have a variable speed setting, enabling a homeowner to reduce or increase fan speed. 


QuietCool Stealth Pro

  • Featuring ECM Brushless AC/DC Motors

  • Most Energy Efficient  Fans on the Market

  • Extremely Quiet – Ranging between 42 and 50dB

  • Offers Airflow between 1500 and 6500 CFM


Similar to the Trident Series, the new Stealth Pro Series line of QuietCool fans is an installer-exclusive product.  They are manufactured with an energy saving motor, providing substantial energy cost savings. Stealth fans are very powerful, providing greater c.f.m. and can be installed in various areas of the home. 

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